Monday, November 19, 2007

Funniest Moment at the American Music Awards

Since their were no writers because of the strike, Jimmy Kimmel pretty much had to just wing it as host for the American Music Awards. I have to say - I think the awards show was much funnier without the ridiculous banter that goes on between presenters.

One of the funniest moments of the show is when Jimmy asked if anyone knew how to do the ever popular Soulja Boy's "Superman" dance. The first artist he approached as he began to make his way through the audience was Rascal Flatts. Then he moved onto Akon and was turned down. Finally he was able to get Kelly Pickler and Jordin Parks to join him on stage.

Jimmy grabbed a Soulja Boy type jacket, gave Kelly his shades and let Jordan wear the cap for their dance debut of "Superman." Awkward, is the best word to describe how they did. Jordan looked like she was the only one who knew how to do it. Finally, they were interrupted by Soulja Boy himself who, thank god, started to show them how it's really done. I loved the whole thing because it felt like it was just off the cuff - sprinked with Jimmy Kimmelness dust. It was very funny.



Anonymous said...

jimmy kimmel always make me laugh

LayDdee said...

Yeah, he's super great. Good times!!! lol
