Monday, October 22, 2007

Lance, Shut Your Big Bass Mouth!

is getting a tongue lashing by Lance Bass. Get your mind out of the gutter - it ain't like that. is coming out with his lame book, "Out Of Sync" (clever) where he calls Justin selfish and how disappointed he was for Timberlakes failed promise to return to N'Sync. Bass says, "It meant a huge sacrifice cause I gave up so many oppotunities,"

I'm curious as to what those opportunities were - did it have anything to do with singing in the lounge of Rosie O'Donnell's gay cruise line. Sorry you missed it, glad we did.

Bass goes on to say that he thought the Sexy Back singer was gay because he once spoke of his dream to be in a gay movie. Are you sure Lance that this isn't just a dream of yours?

Needless to say, Lance and Justin won't be singing show tunes together any time soon.

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