Tuesday, October 30, 2007

KFed Keeps Kids - Britney's Visits Monitored

According to TMZ Britney Spears has not regained custody of her two boys. She will have them two times a week(noon to 7pm), one overnight stay and these visits will be monitored.

The Commissioner (Scott Gordon) reported that the parenting coach complained that "during all three of my visits Ms. Spears rarely engaged with the children in either conversation or play."

That makes my heart sad because they need Britney's involvement in love and play. I really hope once again that this is a big wake up call for her.

Britney - love, laugh, and snuggle your babies - they're starving for it!!!

For more details click here.


Anonymous said...

brit doesnt even know how to carry her kids! of course she needs that parenting classes soo bad!

LayDdee said...

Look at how her boy is pushing off from her.
