Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Mom Spears Restraining Order Against Slimy Sam

Britney Spears mom has taken her gloves off ya'll and now has a restraining order against Sam Lufti. She ain't playin' and the accusations confirm what some of us already thought of Slimy Sam.

Some of the finer points of the order include: Britney met Lutfi in or about October 2007. Mr. Lutfi has essentially moved into Britney’s home and has purported to take control of her life, home and finances.

Mr. Lufti drugged Britney.

He has cut Britney’s home phone line and removed her cell phone chargers.

He yells at her.

He claims to control everything — Britney’s business manger, her attorneys and the security guards at the gate.

Immediate relief is necessary to avoid the risk of physical harm to Britney by Mr. Lutfi and to allow her to undergo necessary medical treatment without interference by Mr. Lutfi.

There is a hearing for the restraining order set for February 22nd. Until then, Lutfi must stay 250 yards away from Britney, Britney’s family, Britney’s residences, and the UCLA Medical Center.

photos and source

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lynn should've done this a long time ago. There's no way that man would've had that much control over my daughter and her finances knowing the state she was in. I just don't get Lynne..not to judge her but she seems too flighty.
