Thursday, February 21, 2008

American Idol Ladies - Highs and Lows

American Idol ladies took the stage last night and once again I wasn't blown away. Yes, I understand that some were fighting the flu (Kristy Lee Cook) but, there were SoMe that weren't and still sucked!

Asia'h, Amanda and Syesha (my fav so far) did well but there was no mercy for Kristy unfortunately from the judges.

What may have ruined if for me is the fact that a lot of these contestants are NoT raw talent or undiscovered like we've discussed on here in my previous post. So, I have a little bit of an attitude towards this season. Aside from that the voices haven't blown me out of the water like I thought. It's still early we shall see.

photos and source

1 comment:

Jess said...

Those are my 3 favorites, too! I also like Brooke White and Alexandrea Lushington. But Syesha and Ashia, those are the two that make me want to cry when I hear them sing...and in a good way!
