Sunday, September 16, 2007

Something's happening to me

I couldn't sleep because there has been this deep struggle going on inside me. I'm hoping to articulate what seems to be a spiritual awakening. I know, sounds BORING but I can't seem to shake it. It's been growing and growing and finally came to a head when I wrote the post about Perez and celebrities really using their FAME for something positive. Seeing that I just celebrated my birthday and had some time to reflect, I realized that I honestly don't think that I've done the best at using EVERY opportunity to make a difference in someones life. Blogging everyday and sharing my opinions on celebs is fun but at the end of the day I have to ask myself, "How have I used this space to help or ENRICH someone elses life?" I have to say honestly, I don't think I've used it wisely. So, I say all that to say this - there is going to be some changes on this blog. Will I still think David Beckham and Justin Timberlake are YUMMY? Absolutely!! Are there going to be prayer meetings and Bible studies here - probably NOT! I still want to share my passion for celebs but with a little more heart and less negativity. There's another idea I have and it's to offer advise to anyone who wants it. Just call me the OPRAH of the internet. Anywho LOL, I'm sure I have lost some of you but that's OK. The ones who remain are the readers who I hope will benefit and are adventurous enough to go through this ride along with me, wherever it takes us.


Eastcoastdweller said...

LayDee D: As one who is certainly struggling religiously, I'm happy to read this post about Your awakening.

You have a great blog here and the readership numbers will climb, in time.

LayDdee said...

eastcoast: thank you so much for your lifting words once again. I knew I had to make a change when someone commented in great detail what he was doing while reading my Vanessa Hudgens post. There was that and also just feeling this draw to make a difference somehow with this blog. Challenging as it may be having a celeb blog - I knew it could be done and I'd sleep better at night. Having a bunch of readers is not as important as having peace of mind.
