Saturday, September 22, 2007

Avril Lavigne turns 23?!

I can't believe will be only 23 on Sept. 27th. I don't know why I thought she was older - maybe because her being so young makes me feel older. Anyways, she celebrated her birthday early at KOI and turned the cameras on the paparrazi by snapping pictures at them. Avril looks almost nice, meaning pleasant in this picture. Usually she's spitting and yelling cruel things. Avril probably sang, "It's my birthday and I'll be sweet if I want to..." - come on, everybody sing, "...sweet if I want to." Thanks for playing.


josh said...

ur all fucking dicks!!! Give Avril a break!! She's been thru a lot of shit in her life and she has had to fight a lot. But that doesn't make her a bitch. Maybe u should lay off and give her a chance!!

Anonymous said...

ur all fucking dicks!!!! Give Avril a break. She's been thru a lot of hell thruout her career and she's had 2 fight it all. But that doesn't make her a bitch!!
So stop dissing her and give her a freakin' chance!!
