Monday, March 3, 2008

Amy Winehouse Has Skin Disease

Amy Winehouse has been diagnosed with skin disease - there's a few more things that seem way too easy to diagnose on her but that's besides the point. Yeah, the skin disease is called impetigo and wait 'til you hear the full description of what that actually is - yum!

"It's a bacterial skin infection that causes pimple-like lumps – and is "is highly contagious, and scratching or touching the sores is likely to spread the infection to other parts of the body as well as to other people," according to the Mayo Clinic's Web site."

photo and source

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who has this and she will hardly go out as it does alot to your self esteem as the world is so into appearence. Her self confidence is not up to speed and she is a very beautiful young woman. She really is. You where a bit harsh with the "Yum" factor because anyone of us can get these new age airborne diseases due to the fact that we are destroying the Ozone, the Rainforest things that balance out nature for us humans and you can probably bet that there is more to come. Have you seen some one with a flesh eating disease (think Mission Impossible 2) when he looks at the disk and ths man basically bursts into water. It's not pretty at all.
