Britney Spears I guess is in demand and Mel Gibson is behind it. The two having dinner this weekend sparked such speculation as to what was the reason and now we know, thanks to
A Spears family insider tells, “The main reason he is reaching out right now is to try and help her. Apparently, he is trying to get her to start attending his church (Church of the Holy Family) in Malibu. We heard he asked her to sing at one of the weekly sessions there.”I'm not too sure what to think of this crazazy duo - I mean Mel UsEd to be one of my YuMmIeS until he showed his racist side. Mel's lost it in my eyes and now he of all people is trying to help Britney?! God, when will some legitimately not mental like Drew Barrymore take Britney under their wing? Now that I believe would turn things around for her!The source continued, “Brit is being courted for a lot of different acting ventures right now and we have heard that Mel Gibson is trying to help her work a deal.”

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