Thursday, February 14, 2008

Beyonce's Dad Going After Aretha

Beyonce's Dad (Matthew Knowles) is pissed and is ready to defend his daughter. Beyonce', as you all remember, got Aretha all fired up because she introduced Tina Turner as the Queen at the Grammys. Now Dad has something to say about Aretha's statements.

"Something this ridiculous – it's childish, it's unprofessional," Mathew Knowles said in a statement Thursday. "And it's a sad day when egos get bruised because somebody used the word king, queen, prince or princess."

You know what would be more fitting is to see Beyonce's Mom (she scares me) try to take Aretha on. That would be one Bee-Yotch fight!!!

photo and source

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

honestly i am getting tired of beyonce and her penny pinching dad , they are both extremely annoying and what the hell does this 1981 born little girl know about tina or aretha? she don't know shit about neither one of them, she just wanted to shake her ass at that show with tina, just to be seen. She knows very little or nothing about tina turner, but once again had to make it all about beyonce', she's a spoiled little bitch and diva , her dad is always defending her, god forbid someone says something bad about his precious little mula, get over it dadddy.
