Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Vanessa Hudgens Loves Shoes and Shoes Love Her

We can safely say that shoe companies love and I am sure that she feels the same way. RED just recently had her do a commercial for them and now is paying her 1 million dollars to endorse their line.

I think it's awesome that the endorsements didn't slam the door in her face after the nude scandal - good for her. Sex really does sell, evidently.
Now all she has to do is land an endorsement gig with Manola Blahnik or Jimmy Choo and she'll be set.


Eastcoastdweller said...

I agree. Good for Her and I wish Her all the best. Either She was taken advantage of and has successfully overcome an unwelcome surprise -- or She's pretty darn smart and knows how to get what She wants and yank the media around a little in the process.

LayDdee said...

Yes and like I said it certainly is paying off.
