Friday, October 5, 2007

Lindsay's Rumored Romance

There has been lots of speculation about finding love in rehab, and this new rumor just keeps it going. Alledgedly Lindsay has met Cher and Sonny's son, Chesare Bono and they have since made quite a bond. Press was told by a source, "Chez is telling pals that he and Lindsay have fallen for each other big time. They plan on moving in with one another just as soon as they get out of rehab. They spend every moment they can together and lean on each other for comfort."

Finally!! Someone not saying they're "just friends." If this is true, won't it be great if they became the second Sonny and Cher?

Here are some pics of Lilo outside Cirque Lodge hanging with her Dad. Good times - she's spending time with him while he's on the phone, Fun!

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