Friday, October 5, 2007

Lindsay Lohan Says Bye-Bye

That's right has left the rehab building folks and we couldn't be more excited for her. Her dad Michael picked her up, packed her bags in the back of his white hummer, and they were off. A source told People magazine, “She’s finished the program. Lindsay is done, but she may come back for outpatient treatment. She over-extended her stay because she wanted to. She could have been out awhile ago, but she chose to stay.” Yup - this girl is gonna make it (knock on wood) and I believe she will become the next huge star on the big screen. But you see what I see? She might want to wear some under garments next time to avoid that.


Anonymous said...

Good to see Lindsey made it out of Rehab, but more importantly that her ankles are warm. Flashdance, the 80's, flourescent earrings, and Michael Jackson being black all came crashing back to my mind when I saw the leg warmers. Did those drugs mess her up so bad she thinks its 1985?

LayDdee said...

I almost don't know what to say to that but the movie Flashdance comes to mind.
