I'm not hatin' on Cher or Ozzy Osbourne - I respect the fact that they are legends. However, one cannot help but notice Cher especially in this picture has really let herself go. She looks like her character before she transformed in Moonstruck.
Posted by
9:45 PM
I have never liked Cher, at all. She always reminded me of Morticia from the Addams Family. And then, when I heard that she spent $10,000 on a wig -- this while children are starving in the world -- just icky.
But I suppose that somewhere deep within Her soul, She must have some good point.
I like the new look of Your site, by the way.
Hey Eastcoast - I am so sorry I haven't been over to FLOW. Things have been crazy busy (lots happening in celeb world lately)but I will come over as soon as I can.
I was wondering if you'd like what I've done with the place. Thank you.
I am with ECD on this, never, ever liked her, and, yep, Moticia is correct... ha! funny stuff, and, good call LayDdee, good call...
I calls them as I sees them. lol
All I have to say is....WOW!
LOL, have you heard her sing lately? She sounds just like the way Ozzy talks. I am starting to think they are the same person.
So in other words she sounds like bat eating heroin attack?
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